Our Services


KEYFORT provide education services to remove barriers to learning in both Higher and Further Education whilst providing independence and autonomy.

What can we do?

KEYFORT provide education services to remove barriers to learning in both Higher and Further Education whilst providing independence and autonomy. We have experience in working with people with different needs, including Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, Mental Health Conditions, Motor Neurone Disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal and Brain injuries. 

Whilst providing academic support packages, KEYFORT can also support with personal care and nursing needs, such as toileting support, tracheostomy, PEG care, complex moving and handling, bowel therapy, and support with a person’s ventilator. Support can range from a mentoring or noting taking session to larger 24/7 care package which will integrate both the personal care and academic support. 

Our service delivers; 

  • Private Tuition
  • Practical Support Assistance
  • Library Support Assistance
  • Reader / Scribe
  • Workshop / Laboratory Assistant
  • Sighted Guide
  • Proof Reader
  • Study Assistant
  • Examination Support Worker
  • Note Taker
  • 24-hour care – Integrating Education support, community support and personal care. 
  • Waking night support
  • Social activities inside and outside of the home. 
  • Specialist 1:1 Study Skills Support – SpLD
  • Specialist 1:1 Study Skills Support – Autism
  • Specialist Mentor – Mental Health 
  • Specialist Mentor – Autism

Students receiving mentoring support will gain knowledge of study and coping strategies to help them cope with situations at university such as; how to deal with concentration difficulties, time management, prioritising workload, changes to schedules, coping with anxiety and stress situations and creating a suitable work-life balance.

What can you expect from us?

You can expect our service to work with a person centred and strengths-based approach in mind. 

The people we support can expect to:

  • Have a good experience. 
  • Feel involved with their care at all times. 
  • Receive care and support which improves or maintains their wellbeing. 
  • Receive a service which develops independence and achievement 

Depending on the nature of the support requested, we will work with people to set goals and outcomes for the support which will be reviewed regularly.

We use digital technology in all aspects of our support delivery. From staff planning to documenting the person’s progress. 

What Students say about us

“I just wanted to say thank you so much. I have received incredible support throughout my final year of university. We have covered a wide variety of academic improvements, from specific essay structures to reviewing and managing a whole dissertation. A key focus has been on improving my organisational skills. As I am dyslexic, it’s easy for life to get all over the place; however, I now feel considerably more organised and less overwhelmed. With this, my planning skills before and during assignments have transformed. This, in turn, has led me to be able to achieve high first grades at university, which I simply didn’t think were achievable. I have learnt how to maximise my skills and enable me to use my dyslexia to an advantage which is a crucial skill I will take with me into the future. The passion my support worker had for helping and improving my thinking is extremely admirable and I couldn’t have felt more supported….. I am so grateful……. I shall miss my sessions a lot. “

Our specialist team

We employ a specialist team including Case Managers, Support Coordinators, Academic Coordinators, Registered Nurses and Clinical Leads. 

Our supporting staff are assigned to bespoke packages of care and support. This helps the person being support to build relationships and be assured needs are being met.

When we set up the persons support, we can provide specialist training from our Registered Nurse (Nursing Skills) or Clinical Lead (NAPPI-UK for behavioural concerns). 

Next steps

Our support is usually funded by DSA, the University, the local authority, NHS, personal health budgets private solicitors or case managers or through direct payments.

Once we receive a referral, we will contact the person to initiate support. 

For more information contact us at enquiries@keyfortgroup.co.uk or call is on 0191 4911735.

Education Price list 2024

“I can approach anything now safe in the knowledge I’ve got Sandy with me”

It can be difficult identifying what support is needed for you or your loved one. Find out more about the people we support and how it’s made a difference to their lives in the case studies below.

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We are the provider of choice for support and training needs


People that we’ve provided specialist care for


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Industry awards we’ve been proud to win